
Triple Word Score

Trying to release your inner marketing maven? See how your brand stacks up with wordle.net's wonderful word cloud tool. And, it'd doesn't look half bad, either.


On Holiday

Home Fries is a big fan of all things travel. Europe, Asia, down the road and back again--it's all good to me.

So I've been saving my pennies for my next Big Adventure. This time, I've got my eye on England or maybe Wales (or maybe both).

In order to get the Full Experience, Home Fries plans on staying in one of these charming, quaint and other cutsey-words cottages owned by the National Trust. I mean, hello, you can stay in a manor house that even Mr. Darcy would approve of. AND?! They are in the realm of affordable so even the average joe (or Home Fries) can afford to spend some time on holiday.

Now, to perfect my scone recipe....and figure out how to stomach clotted cream.


Pomp and Circumstance

Bakerella has put us all to shame with her creativity...again.

Check out her smart little graduation cap pops...perfect for all those graduation parties coming up. So easy that even I can make them, these little pops would be great for a party or gift.


Move Over, Captain Planet

Feeling ashamed about your lack of greeniness? No worries, Sustain Stores is coming to the rescue.

Whether you are finally ready to start composting, or would like to outfit the kiddos with something organic, you'll find all you need to become a anti-plastic bag, pro-all-things-earthy, birkenstock-wearing, modern-day hippie.

Feeling less inclined to live a life more suited to Ed Bagley, Jr? Don't worry, there are things for those us who still leave a carbon footprint. You don't even have to install solar panels to enjoy things like BPA free Water Bottles (cancer, bad) or organic beauty products (pretty, good).

Makes ya feel all good inside, doesn't it?